Listing of pre-order products


Last Update il y a 3 ans

All the product are listed by name in alphabetical order.

5 Products are listed on each page

Merchant can find product in a list that spans as many pages, merchant can search and filter the list

Search a product

Enter the complete title into the field labeled "Search products"

The product list automatically refreshes to show only the products that have this title

Filter product list

1. Click filter

2. In the show all products where the menu

Select a filter option, then in the second menu, select the value. You can select from the following options:

Select a filer option. Then, in the second menu, select the value, You can select from the following filter options:

. Product type - Shows the products that are of the selected product type/

. Product vendor - shows the products that are from the selected product vendor.

. Collection - shows the products that are available in a collection

. Pre-order status - shows the products depending on their pre-order status

3. Click Add filter

The filer tag is displayed right below the filer button

You can click X to remove the filer.

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